[영어공부] 쉽고 짧은 article을 모아 놓은 사이트
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그런 의미에서 오늘 소개해드릴 곳은 영어로 읽을 만한 쉽고 짧은 article들을 모아 놓은 곳입니다. 또한 같은 내용의 article이 난이도에 Level1부터 Level3까지 따로 따로 볼수 있도록 되어 있습니다. 게다가 각각을 원어민이 읽어주는 동영상도 있어서 쉽게영어공부를 시작하려는 초보자에게는 무척 유용한 사이트입니다. 이외에도 페이스북의 스터디 그룹에 가입해서 세계 여러나라에서 이제 막 영어를 공부하시는 분들과 댓글을 통해 소통할 수도 있군요.
[필독] : 아래 사이트에 모바일로 방문할때 첫 화면에서 쓸모없는 어플을 깔라고 하는데 X를 눌러서 깔지 마세요.
사이트: News in Levels (http://www.newsinlevels.com/)
여러분도 방문하셔서 하루에 하나의 Article씩만 공부 한다면 리딩,리스닝,작문 실력이 빠르게 늘어날 것이라 생각됩니다. 하나의 Article을 난이도에 따라 나누어 놓은 것을 인용해 놓았으니 참고하세요.
Level 1
British children wear shoes at school. One primary school in England reads a study. The study is about wearing slippers in school.
The study is ten years long. It covers 25 countries. It says that wearing slippers at school is good. The classrooms are calmer and quieter. Children do better in exams. They come to school earlier and leave later. They also read more. In some classes, there is less bullying.
The school likes the change. Some teachers wear slippers, too.
Level 2
Students in Britain normally wear shoes at school. One primary school in England, however, read a study on wearing slippers in school.
The 10-year study covered 25 countries. It says that when children wear slippers at school, they come to school earlier, leave later, read more, and do better in exams. The classrooms are calmer and quieter. In some classes, bullying was reduced.
The school is happy with the positive change, and some teachers wear slippers, too.
Level 3
A primary school in England is the first one in the UK to allow students to wear slippers to class in a bid to improve grades. The school found out about a study which found that shoeless children were more likely to behave and do better in exams.
The school’s experience has so far proved the study right. One teacher said that the atmosphere in her classroom is calmer, and some teachers have chosen the more comfortable option. The school is now considering making slippers part of its compulsory uniform.
Apart from a calmer and quieter environment, the 10-year study covering 25 countries, also found that children wearing slippers are likely to go to school earlier, leave later and read more. In some classes, bullying was reduced.
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